He can also be found in many streams and rivers in North Rhine-Westphalia, but he rarely wants to be in front of the camera and that is why photos of him are also popular among nature photographers. For me, too, he's been a long-term “opponent” from whom I was able to take photos from time to time, but never really good ones up close. That is why, thanks to Corona, I have dealt with him extensively in the last few weeks. As always, the "project" starts for me with the search for a suitable location and it
- What kind of camouflage is possible and ideal?
- What are the lighting conditions at what time?
- Which optics and cameras should be used?
And then it's time to wait, wait, wait and don't lose heart if it doesn't work right away. For the following photos (Sony A9 + 400F2.8 + 2x Ext.) Many days and hours were necessary. It can be done much better, the only limiting factor is the time available.